Some haematological parameters of welders exposed to oxyacetylene in Calabar, Nigeria.

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Joyce Ezekiel Etura, Kenneth Igbor Ebi, Uwem Okon Akpan, Enosakhare Aiyudubie Asemota and Anthony Ogbonnaya Emeribe

AJLHTS: Original Paper


Introduction: Polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) are the only leucocytes that are competent to produce large amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS) to kill phagocytized bacteria. In leukaemia, we hypothesized this bactericidal function might be hampered. The goal of this study was to assess respiratory burst activity of PMN in leukaemia compared with non-leukaemic control subjects. We assessed the respiratory burst function of PMN as an effective defence against pathogens in leukaemia and control subjects

Materials and Methods: Peripheral blood samples were collected from leukaemia and control subjects (30 in each case) in lithium heparin anticoagulant containers. Our study cases were 30 leukaemia belonging to different subtypes (AML=12, CML=12, ALL=4 and CLL=2), 22 males and 8 females age range from 2.5-63 years (M±SEM, 28.0±3.4 years); the controls were 26 males and 4 females, age range from 17-53 years (M±SEM, 31.1±1.5 years), respectively. The respiratory burst activity was assessed using the nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) dye reduction test on stimulated and un-stimulated PMN in leukaemia and control groups

Results: The cells purity in leukaemia was >99% using Turk’s solution and cells viability was >95% by Trypan blue dye exclusion test. The respiratory burst activity of PMNs showed a statistically significant increase (P<0.05) in controls compared with leukaemia subtypes. Similarly, comparison within leukaemia subtypes indicates

statistically significant increase (P<0.05) RBA in CML compared with AML, ALL and CLL, respectively

Conclusion: The respiratory burst activity of PMNs in leukaemia is variable with enhanced activity in CML subjects, while depressed in AML, ALL and CLL subtypes; suggesting impaired bactericidal capacities of PMNs in these diseases.

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