Submitting authors are required to acknowledge that they are aware of the African Journal of Laboratory Haematology and Transfusion Science’s policy on plagiarism and copyright when signing the article’s copyright transfer agreement. Manuscripts are sent out for review on the condition that any unpublished data cited within are properly credited and the appropriate permission has been sought.
Plagiarism is the copying of ideas, text,data and the creative work ( e.g tables, figures and graphs) and presenting it as original research without proper citation. Separate from the issue of plagiarism is the need for authors to obtain permission to reuse previously published work( even if properly cited) from the holder of the copyright (which is typically not the author)
It is essential that authors and reviewers be told by authors when any portion of a paper is based heavily on previous work, even if the work has been written by one or more of the authors of the paper. It is the responsibility of th author not only to cite the previous work, including their own but to provide an indication of the extent to which a paper depends on this work