Platelet indices as useful biomarkers in SARS-CoV-2 infection

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Obebinaru Constable, Theresa Awortu Jeremiah and Zaccheaus Awortu Jeremiah

AJLHTS: Original Paper



Introduction: The indices of platelets are biomarkers of platelet activation and could be useful for diagnosis and management of COVID-19 infection. This study was aimed at evaluating the impact of COVID-19 infection on some platelet indices in Port Harcourt

Materials and Methods: The study population consisted of twenty- two (22) COVID-19 positive and fifty (50) COVID-19 negative (controls). Their ages range from 20-65 years old. Five milliliters of venous blood was collected into EDTA anticoagulant bottles for platelet indices determination using an auto analyzer (Sysmex XP- 300), while naso pharyngeal swab was collected for confirmation of COVID-19 by RT-PCR molecular method

Results: The overall prevalence of COVID-19 in this study population was 30.56%. Chi square analysis revealed that this prevalence rate is very significant. (x=10.889; P=0.001). The mean PDW values of COVID-19 positive subjects (16.24±0.08fl) was significantly increased when compared with the value of the negative subjects (15.93±0.10fl) (t=2.441, P< 0.01). There was no statistically significant difference in the platelet count when the two groups were compared. However, the platelet count of the positive female COVID-19 subjects (216.27±19.65×10’/L) was significantly reduced when compared with their male counterparts (247.36±19.65×10‘/L). The reverse is the case in the negative (control) group (F=4.6825, p<0.03). There was a significant negative correlation between MPV and platelets (r= -0.489, p< 0.003). The platelet count of COVID-19 positive subjects was reduced even though not statistically significant

Conclusion: Platelet indices such as PDW and MPV could serve as surrogate biomarkers in SARS-CoV-2 infection

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