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Background: There are possibilities that the presence of a particular
blood group antigen can predispose an individual to certain diseases.
It is therefore necessary to carry out studies in relation to this, and
the presence of Lewis blood group antigen has been associated with
susceptibility to Helicobacter pylori infection. The aim of the study is
to determine the association of Lewis blood group with Helicobacter
pylori infection amongst undergraduates of Rivers State University,
Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Method: This cross-sectional study was aimed to elucidate the
association between Lewis blood group and Helicobacter pylori
among one hundred (100) male and female undergraduates of
Rivers State University recruited randomly from different ethnic
groups in Nigeria. Conventional tube method was used for Lewis
blood grouping, and serology for the Helicobacter pylori infection
using Top Tech Rapid Diagnostic Test Kit. Statistical analysis was
by percentage calculation and the use of Graph Pad Prism version
8 Statistical Package to determine Odd Ratios, Relative Risk and
Likelihood Ratio; p-value of <0.05 was considered statistically