Prevalence of Anaemia and Iron Requirement in Women Across Reproductive Phases in Calabar, Nigeria


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Introduction: Maternal healthcare takes into consideration the
immediate state of an individual woman with regards to health status
and subsequent management. Anaemia is a common maternal health
challenge that is affected by hormonal shifts in women. Thus, this study
focused on prevalence of anaemia and iron requirement across women of
premenopausal and postmenopausal phases.
Methods: This study enrolled apparently healthy 100 females with equal
numbers of premenopausal and postmenopausal subjects. Blood sample
was appropriately obtained from each subject for assessment of red
cell and iron parameters. Microhaematocrit and cyanmethaemoglobin
methods were employed for the measurement of packed cell volume
and haemoglobin concentration respectively, while the iron parameters
were assayed by colorimetric methods. Transferrin saturation was
mathematically derived. Results are expressed as Frequencies and Mean
±SD, while student t-test was used for analysis of data on SPSS version
22.0. Statistical significance was drawn at a p≤ 0.05.

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