Prevalence of hepatitis B and C, knowledge and attitude towards voluntary blood donation among secondary school teachers in Calabar, Nigeria

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Akpan, P. A., Njar, V. E., Volunteer, E. E.

AJLHTS: Original Paper  DOI –

Abstract Introduction: Blood for transfusion or biopharmaceutical medication is obtained through blood donation. It is an indispensable component of health that contributes to saving lives since blood/ blood products are unique. A major source of safe blood is voluntary non-remunerated blood donors. Considering the role of teachers in the education of young people in the populace, this study aims to provide information on knowledge and attitude toward blood donation and the prevalence of Hepatitis B and C among secondary school teachers in Calabar, Nigeria. Methods: With ethical approval and informed consent obtained, a total of 200 apparently healthy teachers and staff were recruited from five secondary schools in Calabar. Structured questionnaires were pre-tested among twenty (20) staff of the University of Calabar before being administered to the study subjects. Blood was collected and screened for the presence of hepatitis B and C using the standard strip method. Data obtained were analyzed using the Chi-square test on SPSS version 21 and p<0.05 was considered statistically significant.

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