Haemostatic Biomarker and Platelet Indices Dynamics Among End Stage Renal Disease in Yola & Gombe

DOI URL: 10.59708/ajlhts.v3i3.abs.5

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Renal insufficiency, a global pandemic, is rapidly gaining attention, affecting over 800 million people (>10%) worldwide. Tragically, millions succumb each year due to haemostatic dysfunction and negative thromboembolic dynamics. Haemostatic biomarkers measure the integrity
and dynamics of haemostasis. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate these biomarkers and platelet indices to elucidate the dynamics of the
haemostatic system in ESRD.

Evaluation of Some Haematologic and Hemostatic Changes in Breast Cancer Patients

DOI URL: 10.59708/ajlhts.v3i3.abs.6

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Haematological parameters have been shown to predict  severity, mortality and treatment follow-up in breast cancer patients as well
as the interaction between tumour and haemostatic functions. This study shows the changes in haematological and haemostatic parameters and the corresponding effect of chemotherapy on haematological parameters.

Evaluation Of Coagulation Factors F VII, F XII, Von Willebrand Factor, And Adamts 13 In Tuberculosis Disease Subjects Undergoing Treatment In Yenagoa Bayelsa State.

DOI URL: 10.59708/ajlhts.v3i3.abs.7

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Tuberculosis, a significant health concern and leading infectious disease in man, is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Research shows that Tuberculosis affects the coagulation factors and causes elongated Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) in infected subjects. This study was carried out to evaluate coagulation factors VII, XII, ADAMTS 13, and vWF in TB disease and treatment.

The Impact of Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, and Piroxicam on the Full Blood Count of Wistar Albino Rats

DOI URL: 10.59708/ajlhts.v3i3.abs.8

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The sensation of pain is intricate, involving diverse pathways responsible for the generation (transduction) and transmission (propagation)
of nociceptive signals. This process encompasses the perception and control of stimuli that induce pain.

Exploring The Impact Of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs On Blood Cell Morphology: A Comprehensive Study Across a Variety Of Blood Cell Types In Wistar Albino Rats

DOI URL: 10.59708/ajlhts.v3i3.abs.9

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Although NSAIDs are widely used for inflammation and pain relief, limited research exists on how these drugs may affect the morphology of bloodcells. The precise impact of NSAIDs on blood cell shape remains poorly understood despite their widespread usage.

Evaluation Of Blood Supply And Usage Pre- And During Covid-19 Pandemic: A Lesson From Non-Voluntary Donation

DOI URL: 10.59708/ajlhts.v3i3.abs.10

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The ultimate goal of blood transfusion practice is to ensure a steady stream of safe blood. The current COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost every part of life and the economy. Consequently, this study aims to assess the effect of the pandemic on blood supply and blood transfusion in the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital.

Perspectives of Health Professionals on the Challenges, Management Strategies And Recommendations in the Management of Breast Cancer.

DOI URL: 10.59708/ajlhts.v3i3.abs.11

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Breast cancer is a significant health concern globally, with high mortality rates recorded in Nigeria over the past decades. Breast cancer has a multifaceted treatment/management approach; therefore, understanding health professionals’ perspectives regarding management strategies and recommendations is vital for optimizing patient care.

Effect of Carica Papya Seed Extracts on Red Cells And Platelets Indices in Phenylhydrazine Induced-Anaemia Wistar Rats

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Anaemia is a haematological disorder characterized by  reduced red blood cells or an inadequate oxygen-binding capacity of hemoglobin molecules to transport oxygen to different tissues and satisfy physiological needs. Medicinal plants are essential to the healthcare
system, especially in rural communities. One such plant with a wide spectrum of patronage is Carica papaya (Gwanda). This present study
aimed to investigate the effect of Carica papaya seeds on the red blood cell and platelet indices in phenylhydrazine-induced anemia Wistar rats.

Effect of Storage Temperature on D-Dimer Stability in Different ABO Blood Groups


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Background: D-dimer is the end product of fibrin degradation formed
during the disintegration of blood clots and fibrin networks. It is an
invaluable analyte in evaluating thrombin and plasmin activity and
is specific for fibrin derivatives. This study evaluated the effects of
storage temperatures on D-dimer stability in different ABO blood
types stored over a defined period of time.
Materials and Methods: The study was performed with 40 samples
collected randomly from apparently healthy male and female
undergraduate students of Rivers State University, Port-Harcourt,
aged between 17 and 45 years. Two milliliters (2ml) of whole blood
were collected from each participant with the specified ABO blood
type into ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) anticoagulant
bottle, and plasma was separated and stored at two different
temperatures of +6o
Cand +25o
C for a period of 24 hours and 48 hours
respectively. Following the manufacturer’s instructions, the plasma
blood sample was analyzed using the Standard F-D-dimer FIA
reagent and SD-Biosensor analyzer. Data obtained were analyzed
statistically using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS)
version 23, and results were considered significant at p< 0.05.